Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Flwrider Skyline Jersey (from Hong Kong)

So I went to Hong Kong last March.  I was there for a month.  I had all of these great cycling experiences, and met many great people there advancing the cause of cycling.  A couple of those people are Brian and Eric, who are part of the Hong Kong fixed gear scene.  Brian started it a few years ago after having spent some time in San Francisco.  He brought the fixie scene to Hong Kong, and has created a world-wide venue for anything and everything cycling (and more) through his website  Their logo is beautiful, and ever since I saw him wearing a jersey with the logo printed on it, I've wanted one of my own.  There weren't any available before I left, but I've contacted Brian recently, and they have a new one available as of last June.  Check it out... flwrider skyline jersey

What do you think?!  I've already ordered one, and I can't wait to get it.  

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